Monday, June 28, 2010

Important Organic Purchases

A lot is made of purchasing organic food, specifically produce, but there are definitely items that are higher up on the priority list. Check out the link that talks about the 'dirty dozen' or just follow the helpful chart below when making your produce purchasing decisions. Good luck!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Join a CSA Today

Joining a CSA is a great way to get your vegetables and it ensures you that what you are eating is being grown locally and without all the extra pesticides that most supermarket (non-organic) products use. Along with the obvious health benefits that come from these foods you get a great variety as you are eating what is in season and you are helping you local economy! Searching for local CSAs isn't difficult, but oftentimes there are only a certain amount of shares available so looking into it early in the season is important.

I joined a local CSA (Wholesome Harvest) for the first time this year and so far the vegetables have not disappointed. Lots of great greens and even some fresh strawberries! This week was a nice selection;

•Mesclun Mix
•Green Leaf Lettuce

Good luck finding your own CSA and remember, you're helping yourself and your local farmers which is a wonderful thing!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

(Not So)Perfect Game

So, I'm sitting on my couch listening to my fiance and her friend talk on the phone about a baseball game that happened last night...neither like or know anything about baseball, seriously. However, what happened last night is even making THEM talk about the game!

Basically a perfect game was ripped away from a Detroit Tigers pitcher with 2 outs in the 9th inning on a terrible call by an umpire at first base. The batter was called safe even though he was obviously out (see image), which the ump later admitted was a blown call. And today Bud Selig (the commish) came out and said the play would not be overturned. While I think it is a shame the kid will not go down in history as only the 21st pitcher to throw a perfect game, I'm torn on Selig's decision. There are many factors to consider when changing a call, so it is hard to fault his decision. The blame lies on the ump and lack of replay in baseball. While replaying the call would have delayed the celebration on the field that comes along with perfect games and no-hitters, at least the correct call would have been made.
Just a shame.

50 Day Bootcamp: Bring It On!

So, I'm getting married in 50 days and putting a boot camp together to get in great shape seems like a good idea. I started my pledge to eat better and workout harder about a month ago which I've kept up pretty well with (minus a minor Memorial weekend binge), but this boot camp includes my future wife! Actually, the idea for it came from her wanting to get in better shape, so I figured I'd become a personal trainer for a month and half. I wonder how much I should charge per hour? Just kidding, sort of...

The boot camp includes both exercising and nutrition, so it is going to be a challenge. It is especially going to be challenging as she is a vegetarian and my Paleo diet is obviously centered around meat and protein. However, we are going to figure everything out and it is going to be fine. Lots of eggs and fish for her I guess. We had our first workout this morning and woke up at 6am to get it done. It went well and she is already sore after day#1, I think we have some work to do.

50 days until I'm married - crazy. Definitely excited and still lots to prepare for!