Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advantages of Grass Fed Beef and Dairy vs. Grain Fed

There seems to be a general misconception out there that red meat is evil and will cause you heart disease and other health related illnesses. However, a closer look at the facts can help point out that grass fed beef and dairy actually can be eaten pretty healthily and not cause all of the so-called diseases the public believes will fall upon them if they touch the stuff. While I do believe a balanced diet of lean meats and all things Paleo is the right approach, having grass fed beef multiple times a week is not going to kill you.

Here are a few bullet points that I took from an article on the topic that help illustrate some of the benefits of eating grass fed beef versus the general grain fed you'll find in most grocery stores.

-More antioxidant Vitamin E

-More antioxidant Beta Carotene

-More CLA

-Less Fat/Saturated Fats

-Less Omega 6/More Omega 3 fats

-Less chance of the animal getting sick or producing sick meat

Check out the full article here...charts included for easy digestion of the info!

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